Ceiling Insulation
Skillion ceiling cavities can have a higher risk of condensation occurring. Terra Lana insulation is hygroscopic (can absorb and release moisture vapour) so it can help to mitigate condensation risks.

Supplied as a single or double layer, or as a top-up layer, this truss roof insulation is designed not to slump, or lose loft, and is naturally safe to handle and healthy in the home. It manages moisture, which maintains thermal performance.

Timber I-Beams create voids that are difficult to insulate using standard insulation products. Terra Lana timber I-Beam fillets friction-fit within the voids to ensure maximum thermal performance.

Service Cavity
We’ve brought all the benefits of Terra Lana Wool Insulation for adding R-Value in service cavity areas while greatly reducing thermal bridging in ceilings and walls. For Skillion, Truss & Scissor Truss ceilings.

CHATTERBLOCK®Acoustic Insulation provides a strong sound barrier between walls, midfloor and outside, thanks to wool’s remarkable sound-dampening qualities. It is also an excellent thermal insulator.
Key Benefits
There are many reasons why we believe our wool insulation is the best choice—find out why
Key Product Data
Product Data Sheets
View & download a pdf product table and data sheets for all our insulation products
Installation Guides
View & download the installation guide for all our insulation products
Specification Table
View & download the Architect specification table sheet
Return your offcuts
As part of our commitment to zero waste, Terra Lana insulation offcuts can be returned to our factory in Christchurch. We recycle offcuts into more insulation.
Sales & Specifications
Contact our team to find out which Terra Lana product is right for your project.